Tom is probably (while the other ones the other side of the planet) my best friend.
He takes me out, buys me food, cooks me dinner, makes me awesome little things to cheer me up, takes me to gigs, buys me drinks,
RUNS from Hayleys HQ in Uxbridge whilst drunk to Hillingdon hospital to come and see me whilst i was being treated for a peanut reaction, he always keeps me up to date with music and is probably the real reason my taste in music is so good :P, he invites me to pretty much everything he does (except go and see Amy but that's fine.... I don't think I'd want to be a third leg when
that happens) and here's the cliche bit.... He'll always be honest with me even if he knows it's not what I want to hear, he cheers me up and always makes me feel better about things, he will actually genuinly spend time with me and want to, then to go and top it off (make the whole ''being Tom's friend'' experience a whole lot better) He's got bear banter aswel.
Quite simply we have a laugh together and he's awesome to be around....

I can't help but admit to being shit with him, I'm never nasty. I guess I'm just selfish. Tom does so much for me and I do nothing in return other than just ''be there'' which is never enough considering how well he treats me and how much he thinks of me (even though he would never admit to that, ha!) I guess, I want him to know I do appreciate everything he's ever done and does for me, I am admitting to being selfish... This shall change. I've made a promise to myself to do so, I do find it hard to change myself as a person because I'm quite content with how I am, but I shall make an exception in Tom's case because I'm not content with how I behave with him, he deserves a better friend than me or at least deserves me being a better friend.
This bring me to my next point about Tom.... His new lady friend, I like her and I'm over the moon and happy he's met her, though I can't help but be a little worried that, he's now going to be one of those friends who won't and can't do anything because he's now in a relationship.... (if you're reading this Tom, I wasen't like that and you know full well I wasen't) I'm scared I'm going to loose him, I don't
think I will because he's not that sort of person but... I had a conversation with him the other day about it and he dicked around by saying he's gone and can't be bothered with me anymore. I wasen't sure wether he was joking or not and it's played on my mind.
Tom's the only true friend I really have, so I'm fucked! if he does happen to turn into a relationship freak and if he meant what he said.
So, Moral of the blog: I'm aware I treat Tom much shitter than he treat's me, I am sorry that's how I am but I will change and make a better effort (and buy him things! I have brought him an awesome gift but I'm too lazy to send it in the post or to carry it around with me when I'm out with him)
.... One day Tom will be King dontchaknow and then he won't need me to be nice at all :)

(If he reads this I shall get constant reminders of it all, be called gay and probably never live it all down. Nice!)